While she was drying the 6 dollar ones, she had me do a suction test with the water pump, because one day when I arrived at Eugenia’s house she told me:

—The water is coming. I turned on the pump for 10 minutes.

Out of curiosity I lifted the lid of the water tank and saw that it was full. It seemed strange to me that it had filled so quickly because the pumping system of the aqueduct seems to suffer from the prostate. That is a trickle of water that arrives, for it to rise to 1.50 meters in height costs God and the world of it. The water system sucks.

I was curious, because I had already noticed that the pump was having a hard time sucking. A week or 15 days later the water came back, that is why we have the largest water reserves in the world because there is never water in the houses. I turned on the pump and nothing sucked.

I removed it and put the other one, which luckily there are two. Although they are already more pissed off than a crazy pot. This one did suck and filled the water tank above.

I started figuring out how to do a suction test, since I don’t have one inch pipe. At the first opportunity I went out to buy some one-inch plastic nipples with threads, but there were no hardware stores; and that I screwed up several. There are neither threaded nor non-threaded nipples.

—We’re screwed, I told myself.

What I bought was a patent union, not San Patete, one inch and a buchin with a half outlet. I went to Beto’s and bought another patent union, but half an inch because you never know.

But, I kept thinking about how the hell to make the pipe to do the fucking test.

I told myself:

—Nogoda, in the house there are half-inch elbows and plastic pipe; With that cock I make some nipples and with the fucking universal joints I make the connections to do the test.

What I got I put on that. I cut, with the hacksaw, the pieces of pipe to make the nipples and I made the threads. I took the elbows out of stockings and put together a mess. The scabbard looked good, and that’s not to flatter me.

But, damn it, I still needed the one-inch fucking nipples. Why how the hell was I going to attach the pipe to the pump?

And in those days I had thinking how the hell to do it.

At night, I don’t know why I went to the closet to look for something and I remembered that there is a box with the remains of plastic fittings for the pots.

—Maybe there’s something useful here, I said to myself. Tomorrow I’ll look to see what the hell is there that can be used to make the pipe.

And so the 6 and the suction test coincided.

While the blessed ones were drying, I went to the closet and took out the box with the remains of ironwork. There were pieces for the sinks, pieces and drain pipes for the sink.

—Dad settled down, I said.

The pipes for the sink, by chance, are one inch but they are not threaded, they are smooth pipes. But that’s not a problem, because that type of tube has a finite caliber and one threads it with the same thread as the pump.

There were also drain elbows or whatever you call that dick. I got to work and assembled the pipe. What was missing was to do the test to see if it worked.

I put myself in that.

The pump sometimes got stuck, a case that had already been happening; other times it turned on but didn’t suck, and another time it started fine and sucked the hell out of it.

—There’s something wrong with this dick. You have to uncover it. It could be that the impeller is loose because the rotor shaft is worn in that part.

I had made him a marramucia that I had learned on YouTube, on the Danny solutions channel, and it had worked.

—But maybe the impeller loosened, who knows.

He removed the front tank from the pump and checked the impeller, but it’s more seized than shit on a blanket.

—This is not the problem, something is wrong. Let’s take apart the rest of the bomb to see.

Fuck it!

When he disarmed the fucking pump, it was flooded with water.

—Damn and the mother, the mechanical seal is screwed. The fucking mother who gave birth to him.

She had changed it in January or February, recently. Of course, later I found out that the fucking seals are not standard, the models vary. And I hadn’t realized that when I changed it.

Well, I disarmed the pump and put it to dry in the sun along with the 6. What else was I going to do. There was no other.

Once the pump was dry, it was time to remove the impeller and the rotor shaft. It cost me one and part of the other, because the extractor fixing screws that I invented didn’t work, until I got some screws to fix the extractor to the impeller. The mother’s pussy was really grabbed.

And there came the other surprise.

When removing the rotor shaft, the bearing was stuck to the pump. Which means the fucking rotor shaft is worn out there too. But, I had learned another trick on Youtube, I applied it and fixed the bearing.

Talking with the Amado, I asked him where he had taken the rotor shaft of the pump that he was repairing, he told me to the turner of the curve. That’s what you have to do, have a turner restore the rotor shaft to its original condition. But don’t be a pichache turner because you can screw up the rotor shaft instead of fixing it. Because what is left over is the pichache.

In the morning I went out to buy the mechanical seal, and I took the sample with me.

—This time they don’t fuck with me.

Albricia, I got it from the same guy. I took a good look at it, right and wrong.

—This one is. How much?

—A dollar and cock, the girl told me.

The cock thing, I put it because it was a few cents on the dollar. Currently, the official language is not fucking English.

Since I wanted to see a pod, I went down a path and saw that they were vaccinating on the field. Out of the blue I went to ask if they were giving the fourth dose of Covid and if I had time for that. They told me yes, but since I had the Russian I should go to the CDI.

—Tomorrow I’m going to put on that sheath, I thought.

I grabbed and came home, with the mechanical seal in my pocket. I put together the bomb with its respective tricks, turned it on and so far everything was fine.

I put the pipe I assembled on it and left it hanging for testing. Yet another pod, a fixation screw was isolated. I had bought some screws, but I didn’t buy the nuts.

Shithead that is one.

Today I went to the CDI and I took the fourth dose of the Russian. They told me that if I wanted to put on the flu, I told them that:

—Yes but not today. Next week.

It was not going to be that he gave me a tabardillo right there. Two vials together is very horny. He is able to give me a dick and I stay on the spot.

I came with a blister and ate some peas that I had cooked, I went to sleep until mid-afternoon. And I left the test for tomorrow.

The next day I got up and started to do the suction test, I looked for a bucket of water to serve as a water tank. The pump lit fine, but it was kind of screwed that it sucked; as it needed an initial suction to fill the front tank. And with those tubes it was not possible to do it, because the bucket was lower.

—Over there are the hoses of the washing machine that I disconnected.

I looked for the hoses.

—With this sheath I solve the problem.

I tied the hose to the tube with a bit of packing tying, a mess. Since I was doing the test, I only had to turn on the pump and, at the same time, start sucking water through the hose. There was no other.

I turn on the pump and begin to suck water at once. In one of those the pump pulled the water and the jet came out to a million and I drowned, nogoda.

The water reached my small intestine. Water came out of my ears.

Pussy and the mother.

Water began to come out that fucks because of the tie I had made, all that cock was getting wet and I was drowning like a guevon. I couldn’t turn off the bomb, because between surviving and turning off the bomb I was trying to see how I would survive.

Until finally, as I could, I turned off that dick.

I swallowed fucking water.

But the suction test was already done, but I didn’t die of suffocation.

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