These days talking with Chepel, or rather writing to us on Facebook, I told him that I had seen cell phones for 300 or 600 dollars, I don’t remember the price very well but the sheath was somewhere. The truth is that they were more expensive than a laptop, because in the same store I asked about the laptops that they had on display.

To this comment of mine, Chepel tells me:

—Damn, but those are not for one; walking around with $300 on you is a risk. Getting 100 is a sacrifice, imagine 300.

How to prove Chepel right, if it seems to the choros that they send him the cell phone catalogs so that they know which ones have the highest price.

And losing 300 or 600 dollars in a robbery in which the glassware is at risk is no small feat.

Also, he didn’t say getting $100 is hot; if already getting 10 costs a ball.

But the other horniest thing is that you tell yourself, because you tell yourself, that a $600 cell phone is not for you. It sucks to think that way.

But the hell is that those fucking cell phones are for one, because one has screwed up like many other people to have shit like that, and maybe some better ones than those that I saw.

The real point is that these shitheads have kidnapped you from having not one, but two of those phones. And not only that, but to have the latest generation laptop and PC.

Here the newest thing someone has is a computer from at least 15 years ago. And so they want classes to be taught online; that, in addition, the fucking internet is not even good for shit.

Suck a cock.

The right to be able to use a state-of-the-art telephone, which is necessary for the activities carried out, has become an unattainable luxury. When it should be a mere work tool. Because as we all know that pod is more than a phone.

Those pussy phones are for us. But those who have them are those vergajos that are stealing from the Nation. Well, those shits do have those horny phones and they distribute them to the women that the State subsidizes them.

How can you work decently if you don’t have adequate equipment, call it: cell phone, laptop or PC. How anyone can carry out their work activities with some shitty equipment.

In this state of extended and lethargic misery they also want to screw our brains. The idea is that we lose any trace of possibility. That is state manipulation.

What these vergajos want is that we do not have any projection towards the future; but, on the contrary, a hasty projection towards death, towards misery.

Individual resistance is a duty and an obligation. Maintaining dignity is an absolute imperative. Standing up, being a worthy subject is an obligation.

Never be a rag, a rag, a mistake.

Never give up, never lower your arms. This must be our truth.

Against the shitheads who say there is no truth.

Against these fakers, you have to be careful not to follow their rotten speeches.

We have to refuse that crouching manipulation. Because:

“Life, the real life, not that dirty rag that rolls on the floor, no, life in its exquisite beauty, I mean in its simplicity, its marvelous triviality: a child who cries and then smiles, eyes that blink from a light too strong, a woman trying on a dress, a man sleeping on the grass. A horse runs across the plain. A man with multicolored wings tries to fly. A tree leans over to shade a woman sitting on a stone. The sun moves away and you can even see her rainbow. Life is being able to raise your arm, put it behind your neck, stretch for pleasure, get up and walk aimlessly, look at people passing by, stop, read a newspaper or simply sit by the window because you have nothing to do and it’s nice to do nothing.»

As Ben Jelloun Tahar says in the previous passage, life is not this misery in a cooperative, this death-pit for the poor, to which these jerks, these shitty bastards, want to condemn us.

This is a world without a gutter.

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