Now that I have such a dick, I realize that smartphones are designed to be manipulated by a chimpanzee, a howler, and even a marmoset. I am even convinced that even a rabipelao and a pig are capable of manipulating those phones. Any nail bug is capable of using a smartphone.

If I gave Violín Sachero the phone, surely in five seconds he would already be calling his mother on WhatsApp to tell her that I stole it and brought it to live in that house, a life of a libertine cat. That’s the dick with those phones.

When the Americans (or the Germans) were at NASA and the Soviets were training chimpanzees to crew the Apollo and Soyuz rockets, respectively, surely the pussies and mothers thought:

«If a chimpanzee can fly a rocket ship and get to and from the moon, the naked ape must be able to operate one of these phones.»

With the first phones there was no need to show that they were smart, because it was just turning the disk and then came pressing the buttons. Something basic for any self-respecting hominid.

But when these latest models came out, the pod changed and there was a need to resume that pod that is unfairly attributed to compadre Aristotle. That pod that «man is a rational being.»

One can say any bullshit about compadre Aristotle, but not that he said that shit. Aristotle could be a metic, but he was not a jerk. How to say such nonsense. A man who observed the world so much could not conclude that man is a rational being, not a damn. If that dick is the least that is seen in this moridero of poor.

The one who came to clarify this was my friend Heidegger, when he said:

—Nogoda, you are peeling balls. Aristotle did not say that dick. What the philosopher said was that man is a being that speaks. And what he talks about is pure nonsense.

This was said by Heidegger in German, of course, and it suited him very well. I think that was at the University of Berlin.

2,500 years have passed since the Macedonian said that pod, and nothing has changed. What the man continues is talking and talking pure shit. Cell phones have ended up confirming what the blessed Aristotle said.

The shit-eater spent all day looking at the same messages that were sent to him last month or earlier. Because since he is a pelabolas nobody calls him. Nobody is going to waste time with an asshole. Palpable example the author of this.

A subspecies that has been generated with cell phones, within the species of the naked monkey, is the shit-eater that stops on the subway stairs to check messages. One pod is to check the messages on an escalator and another on the conventional stairs, which are the only ones that really work on the Metro.

The shit-eater doesn’t think that if he stops to check the messages on the stairs he’s going to form an ass fuck, because of the people going up and down. So, like attributing to the divine Aristotle that shit that man is a rational being, don’t come to fuck.

Another pod that he hadn’t seen is the indicator:

—“How the hell should you write, Fuck your mother!”.

Artificial Intelligence knows that the naked monkey can’t write. That he uses a maximum of 20 words and half of them are profanity, of these 20 words I think articles and prepositions are excluded. So the AI is in charge of telling the naked monkey how he should write, he says:

—Look, eat shit, that word is written like that, choose it as a prick. Don’t be so rude.

The latter endangers the existence of the primary school. Whose main function is that the boy learns to read and write; because taking accounts can be learned on the street.

Now, on the other hand, any boy can learn to half write and half read, which is what he already does, with a smartphone. All he needs is to know the letters of the alphabet and shit dog. From then on, the phone will indicate what he has to write, even without spelling errors. He will not become an Octavio Paz or a Jorge Luis Borges, but he will defend himself.

If Artificial Intelligence leads us to disaster or salvation, it is already profit. Because the naked monkey, in his orphanhood, has always needed to be guided, that’s why he invented the gods, the saints and every dick he could invent, even psychoanalysis. Now it is the turn of the AI.

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